Hurdles (Sprint & Long)

Sprint Hurdles

60 meter to 110 meter hurdles you need to be able to sprint. Rhythm and technique are obviously very important as well and take up a whole lot of time to be able to do it efficiently.

Training three times a week and you could good ok in about two years. Train less than that and you will always be a passenger in the race and probably not get out of the heats or qualify for a final.

The Sprint hurdler must have speed and doing everything as quick as possible on their mind:

 Day Training Details

Basic Hurdle Drills e.g. walkovers, 1 step , 3 step drills

Co-ordination Drills e.g. Wickets, Heidi Hops, Long/Short leg Drills

Discounted barriers e.g. move hurdles closer by a foot or lower if you already higher than 76cm

Bunched or Jammed Barriers e.g. 6 foot to 15 foot apart to focus on technique and quickness aka "the Shuffle"

Remember focus on speed!

Finish with longer sprint efforts e.g. 60m to 150m


Strength Training (70% to 95% efforts)

Gym based lifts

Medball training & plyometrics (with progressions)


Basic Hurdle Drills e.g. walkovers, 1 step , 3 step drills

Co-ordination Drills e.g. Wickets, Heidi Hops, Long/Short leg Drills

Discounted barriers e.g. move hurdles closer by a foot or lower if you already higher than 76cm

Bunched or Jammed Barriers e.g. 6 foot to 15 foot apart to focus on technique and quickness aka "the Shuffle"

Focus on speed!

Do short speed first

Barriers can be increased to 75% of race distance

Long Hurdles

200 meter to 400 meter at the best of times scares alot of people.

Fact is if you do not like to take part in muscle endurance type training with repeat effort runs from 100 meter to 300 meter then you too are also just a passenger and probably just entering this event because your teacher told you to or you thought you could have an easy qualification route to a State Championship or School Championship due to the low participation.

This is one of the toughest events in Track & Field.

A typical training week could look like this:

 Day Training Details
Day 1

Basic Hurdle Drills e.g. walkovers, 1 step , 3 step drills

Co-ordination Drills e.g. Wickets, Heidi Hops, Long/Short leg Drills

Speed / Muscle Endurance e.g. 3 x 300 meter @ 3 minute recovery

Day 2

Strength Training (70% to 95% efforts)

Gym based lifts

Hill runs

Day 3

Basic Hurdle Drills e.g. walkovers, 1 step , 3 step drills

Co-ordination Drills e.g. Wickets, Heidi Hops, Long/Short leg Drills

Speed Focus (95%) e.g. 60m to 80m repeats



Beginner athlete can have a rest day between each session

Intermediate / Elite athlete can do the Strength program later on Day 3


If you are still reading this web page right now then perhaps you are ready to have a chat about your future or you just confirmed to yourself that this is definately not the event for you.