Maitland Multi Makes Memories
The month of March has delivered unusual rainfall and the decision to go ahead with the Kumon Multi Carnival in Maitland, NSW was being questioned in the lead up to the 2 day event on 5th and 6th March.
Those travelling on Friday night would have woken up to a different world in Maitland when the clouds held back the rain for the kids and officials to get on with the 6/7 multi-event carnival.
Coco couldn't wait for her favoured throw events to come around and finished 4th overall in the 500g Discus with 23.31m and perhaps a disappointing mid table in the Shotput 2kg. She also ran a 100m best but was most likely thinking about her recent swimming exploits in all honesty.
Jude turned his NSW Junior experienced around in a very competitive boys u13 field obtaining best efforts in 4 events and winning the Long Jump joining the 5m Club with a 5.10m attempt. A big surprise was the 0.51sec improvement in his flat speed over the 100m. This new found speed translated across the jumps and running events as a result.Â
Zak who has been a leader in the rotary throw over the last couple years has triggered a huge improvement across this age band with some improving more than 10m in one year. Zak threw his discus over 30m but relied on his hurdle technique to go sub 13 seconds, a great milestone. Zak managed to stay in the top positions overall to hold onto 3rd place and a Bronze medal.
Alex was attending her first multi and recently ran personal bests in the 100m and 200m at the NSW Junior competition a week ago. She was able to run within 0.3sec of her 200m best effort and over 1 second improvement in her hurdle event. The throws need some more work as this is a new area that only until recently has been introduced into her regular training routine, so can only get better with rhythm and technique.
Lily has found speed and strength and has been a regular in various competitions for a while now as she juggles Athletics NSW and Little Athletics NSW carnivals. She had a double foul scare in the javelin and then kicked off her goal with a legal attempt with the 3rd and Top 3 in State to qualify for Nationals in Melbourne later in April. Personal bests in the 90mH and a Long Jump of 5m combined with another in the 200m made the other girls keep an eye on her going into the 800m burner.
Everyone returned home safely and injury free. Some had a couple days off and will look to get training underway for other State and National Championships later this week.
I always encourage the young athlete to give it a go and Maximum Effort are in the ideal situation to better prepare all athletes across the run, jump and throw spectrum that is supported by a well rounded strength & conditioning program.
You can see some highlights of the action in the link below:Â https://youtu.be/NUU5oFwEq2o